When the system outdoor air method field on the outdoor air control tab is set to VRP – ASHRAE 62.1, Proportional Control – Design Occupancy, Proportional Control – Actual Occupancy, or IAQP, this tab in the properties becomes available. A CO2 sensor also appears in the space. This tab allows you to define the CO2 setpoint that will be used to control the ventilation to the space.
Carbon Dioxide Setpoint Control Type
The CO2 setpoint can be either constant or variable. A constant setpoint uses a single ppm value of CO2 in the space to control the ventilation. A variable setpoint is allowed to change throughout the day to use different ppm values of CO2.
Constant Control Setpoint
If the Carbon Dioxide Setpoint Control Type is set to constant, this field will be available to define the parts per million CO2 allowed in the space.
Variable Setpoint
If the Carbon Dioxide Setpoint Control Type is set to variable, this field will be available to define the parts per million CO2 allowed in the space based on a schedule that changes throughout the day.