The construction tab is used to view/modify building element characteristic in the selected room. A horizontal scroll bar is available when fields are too long to display. Width of tree can be expanded or reduced by dragging the divider in the Properties view.
The tree on the left hand side of this view uses a nested structure, like the Construction Tree. Rooms are grouped under levels, windows and doors are grouped under wall they are placed upon. Plenum walls generated by addition of Raised Floor and Drop Ceiling are grouped and are minimized by default. Double click any group to expand its members. The order is from upper most elements to lower most elements within a room.
Width of tree can be expanded or reduced by dragging the divider in the Properties view.
To find a known element in properties, use the search box to select the time in the Room Properties Tree. All elements containing string entered in this field are displayed. Use of search hides elements that do not include entered string. Use the X to clear the search.
The name of the building element is editable from here. Use TAB to propagate name changes to the tree.
Type denotes the boundary conditions of a surface or other building element. This is determined by the geometry created. Type determines what type of Construction Library may be applied to a surface or other building element, like windows or doors.
Construction library members are pulled from the Building Theme but may be overridden in the Room Type or in each individual room.
To modify values associated with these libraries, enter the library to make these changes.
To revert to template value, use the red triangle in the upper left corner of the input.
To use a construction not includes in the Project Library, click Show Library Members to add from Global Library
Edit in Library
The Library icon to the right of Construction Library is used to view properties. To edit, use “Edit In Library”. Only custom library members can be edited.
Inherited from the library member selected, not modifiable from this screen.
Inherited from the library member selected, not modifiable from this screen. This is column is populated only for F-factor walls or slabs
Inherited from the library member selected, not modifiable from this screen. This is column is populated only for C-factor walls or slabs
Inherited from the library member selected, not modifiable from this screen. This is column is populated only for windows, glass doors or skylights.
For vertical surfaces, windows or doors, the height in the z-direction of the element. This is based on the geometry created in the project. For horizontal surfaces, this value is not populated.
For vertical surfaces, windows or doors, the width of the wall in any direction. For horizontal surfaces, this value is not populated.
Base Elevation
The lower-most elevation of a wall. Use this to identify walls that have been split due to adjacencies or grade-crossing.
Gross area of surface
Denotes the outward normal of the surface.
Cardinal Direction
This field is populated only for exterior surfaces
Adiabatic Surface
Check this box for a given wall, slab, roof, floor or ceiling to create adiabatic surface. The same construction is used for the surface, but no conduction into zone bounded by surface occurs. Radiant energy from inside the zone is absorbed and reradiated by adiabatic surfaces.
When wall or roof contains a window, door or skylight, it cannot be made adiabatic – thus the checkbox is not displayed. Adiabatic surfaces cannot accept window, door or skylight.