Detailed Glazing
This should be the preferred construction for defining glazing. This construction can be used to create interior or exterior windows, glass doors and skylights. The layers can include detailed glass, gas and gas mixtures from the materials library. The existing standard libraries are grouped by type listed in alphabetical order by Single Pane, Double Pane, and Triple Pane. Custom groups can be added as necessary.

The glazing library member detail screen will display the layers that have been added to the construction type in order from outside to inside. It will also display the glazing constructions calculated values.

When editing a custom glazing library member, users can add layers by hitting the + Add layer button. This will bring up a list of the Glazing Components library members. Hitting the + button next to a material library member will add it to the glazing construction as a layer. In order to comply with the EnergyPlus™ rules for glazing, a detailed glass material layer will be added whenever a gas or gas mixture layer is added. This will ensure that detailed glass is always the inner and outermost layer in the construction and that two gas or gas mixture layers are never next to each other. Between glass internal shading options will be available to be added when the detailed glazing is selected as part of a window construction.
You can switch the library member of an existing layer by selecting the replace layer button. Layers can be moved up or down with the buttons or you can delete a layer by hitting the trash can button.
The glazing constructions calculated values will be updated every time there is a change in one of the material layers.