Room Exhaust
Zone exhaust is zone air that is directly exhausted from the room to the atmosphere. These library members are applied to the building’s zones in the room properties screen. TRACE 3D Plus has standard library members that include typical zone exhaust rates from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013 Table 6.5. The room exhaust library member details screen displays the fields that must be defined:
Defines the name of the library member. Standard library members can’t be modified.
Airflow rate
Defines the exhaust rate that will be applied to a given zone. The rate can be defined as a rate per area of floor (cfm/sq. ft. floor), wall (cfm/sq. ft. wall), and air changes per hour or by the full design volume (cfm).
Default Value: Per ASHRAE 62.1-2013 table 6.5 depending on Occupancy category
Typical Range: 0.25 to 1.5 cfm; 2.5 to 5 m3/s
Min & Max: 0 to 1,000,000
Units: cfm, cfm/ft2 floor, cfm/ft2 wall, cfm/ft2 surface, cfm, ACH; m3/s, (m3/s)/m2 floor, (m3/s)/m2 wall, (m3/s)/m2 surface, m3/s