Combustion Turbine
Combustion Turbines are pieces of equipment that burn a fuel source to spin a turbine that generates electricity. TRACE™ 3D Plus utilizes a Brayton Cycle model that originated from a computer program called BLAST. The Brayton Cycle or “open cycle” consists of adiabatic compression, constant pressure heating, and adiabatic expansion. This model uses electrical load and engine generator size to compute part load ratios (PLR). Fuel energy input, recoverable lube oil heat, and recoverable exhaust heat are then computed.
Combustion turbine generators use performance parameters to compute fuel energy consumption as a function of part-load and ambient (entering) air temperature. Recoverable fuel energy equipment, recoverable lube oil heat/fuel energy input equipment performance, total exhaust heat/fuel energy input equipment, exhaust gas temperature/fuel energy input equipment performance parameters are all specified with a quadratic curve fit.
When the heat recovery curve fits = 0.0, this means that no heat recovery is done on the diesel generator exhaust gas; and no heat recovery is specified.
Product tab
The product tab contains all of the design parameters that define the combustion turbine generator. To define the part load conditions using unloading curves, click the curves tab of the combustion turbine library. The curves that are available for combustion turbines are; fuel use, fuel input, fuel input temperature, exhaust flow, and temperature based exhaust temperature.

Rated Full Load Power
Default Value: 102,364 Btuh [IP], 30,000 W [SI]
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: Btuh, kW, W
Enter the design nominal capacity of the combustion turbine generator.
Optimum Part Load Ratio
Default Value: 100%
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min & Max: N/A
Units: %
This field contains the optimal fraction of full load, meaning this is the part load ratio that gives the optimal production of electricity with the least amount of fuel usage.
Fuel Type
Default Value: Natural Gas
Typical Range: N/A
Min & Max: N/A
Units: Diesel, Gasoline, Natural Gas, Coal, Propane Gas, Fuel Oil #1, Fuel Oil #2
This field determines which fuel is consumed by the generator.
Fuel Higher Heating Value
Default Value: 43,500 kJ/kg
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: Btu/lb, J/kg, kJ/kg
This numeric field contains the higher heating value (or gross energy) of the fuel used by the generator.
Design Air Inlet Temperature
Default Value: 77 °F [IP], 25 °C [SI]
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: °F, °C
Enter the design entering air temperature going into the generator.
Heat Recovery
Enable Heat Recovery
Default Value: No
Typical Range: No, Yes
Min & Max: N/A
Units: N/A
This toggle allows you to turn on or off heat recovery. If yes is selected, applicable energy recovery inputs will appear.
Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate
Default Value: 0 gmp [IP], 0 m3/s [SI]
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: gpm, L/s, m3/hr, m3/s, Autosize
Enter the design water volumetric flow rate through the heat recovery loop.
Heat Recovery Maximum Temperature
Default Value: 176°F [IP], 80°C [SI]
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: °F, °C
This field sets the maximum temperature that this piece of equipment can produce for heat recovery. The idea behind this field is that the current models do not take temperatures into account for availability and they just pass heat around the loop without a temperature limit. This temperature limit puts an upper bound on the recovered heat and limits the max temperatures leaving the component.
As temperatures in the loop approach the maximum temperature, the temperature difference between the entering water and the surfaces in the piece of equipment becomes smaller. For the given heat recovery flow rate and that temperature difference the amount of heat recovered will be reduced, and eventually there will be no heat recovered when the entering water temperature is equal to the maximum temperature specified by the user in this field. The reduced amount of heat recovered will diminish if the temperature of the loop approach is the maximum temperature, and this will show up in the reporting. This allows the user to set the availability or the quality of the heat recovered for usage in other parts of the system or to heat domestic hot water supply.
Heat Recovery Pump
Default Value: CV Chilled Water Pump
Typical Range: N/A
Min & Max: N/A
Units: N/A
Heat Recovery Pump Type
Default Value: Constant Speed Pump
Typical Range: N/A
Min & Max: N/A
Units: N/A
Choose which type of pump will be used for the heat recovery pump. Choose either constant or variable volume.
Exhaust Flow
Design Minimum Exhaust Temperature
Default Value: 302°F [IP], 150 °C [SI]
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: °F, °C
This is the design stack saturated steam temperature of the generator and the minimum temperature the exhaust can be.
Exhaust Flow per Engine Capacity
Default Value: 0.00000063 (kg/s)/W
Typical Range: -999 x1012 to 999 x1012
Min & Max: N/A
Units: (kg/s)/W, (kg/hr)/W, (lb/hr)/W
Enter the maximum exhaust flow per unit capacity for combustion generators. This parameter sets an upper limit on exhaust gas flow and exhaust gas heat recovery for generators.