Hot Water Baseboard
The hot water baseboard heater is a zone equipment used to meet any remaining zone load not met by other equipment in the zone that have higher heating priority. The unit is connected to a hot water loop (demand side) with an inlet and outlet node.
Nominal Heating Capacity
Default: Auto Size
Typical Range: Auto Size
Min Max: 0 < x
Units: W, W/ft2, W/m2, Btuh, Mbh, tons, tons/ft2, Btuh/ft2, kW, % of Htg capacity
This field specifies the water baseboard heater nominal heating capacity. This field can be autosized.
UA (U-Factor times Area Value)
Default: Auto Size
Typical Range: Auto Size
Min Max: -999 to 999
Units: W/°F, W/°C, W/K
This field specifies the heat transfer coefficient for the baseboard heater at design conditions. The UA factor is used in a Number of Transfer Units (NTU) calculation.
An estimate of the UA can be obtained from:
q = UA x (T water, avg - T air,avg)
q = heat transferred from water to the air (Watts)
Twater, avg = average water temperature
Tair, avg = average air temperature