Loop Types
Chilled Water Loop
The Chilled Water Loop uses equipment to produce and distribute cold water to cooling coils that have the load requirements from the building. Below is a simple line diagram for a chilled water loop.
Hot Water Loop Type
The Hot Water Loop uses equipment to produce and distribute hot water to heating coils that have the load requirements from the building. Below is a simple line diagram for a hot water loop.
Condenser Water Loop Type
The Condenser Water Loop uses equipment to expel the heat removed from the building to the atmosphere and return cooled water to the chiller in the chilled water loop. Below is a simple line diagram for a condenser water loop.
Mixed Water Loop Type
The Mixed Water loop uses cooling/heating equipment along with heat rejection and heating equipment to maintain a set range of water temperature for a system. Building loads can be met with several modes of operation depending on the outside conditions. The individual space equipment can switch between cooling and heating depending on space needs. The goal of the system is to recover heat or use “free cooling” whenever possible. Below is a simple line diagram for a mixed water loop.
VRF Loop Type
The VRF Loop is a combination of outdoor condensing units and other components that are tied to a group of indoor heating and/or cooling units via a refrigerant loop. Below is a simple line diagram for a VRF loop.
Heat Exchanger Loop Type
Heat Exchanger Loops transfer heat from one medium or loop to another for different purposes like energy saving, chilled water or ice storage, etc. Below is a simple diagram example of a heat exchanger loop.
There are eight different types of Heat Exchanger Loops depending on the placement of the heat exchanger and the loop types it connects
● Chilled Water Loop to Chilled Water HX
● Chilled Water Loop to Mixed Water HX
● Hot Water Loop to Mixed HX
● Hot Water Loop to Hot Water HX
● Condenser Loop to Condenser Water HX
● Condenser Loop to Chilled Water HX - some examples are free cooling applications.
● Mixed Water Loop to Hot Water HX
● Mixed Water Loop to Chilled Water HX
You can view the existing standard loops by clicking on one of the eight Heat Exchanger Loop Types. To create a new loop library member, click on the + Add Item button. You can also create custom groupings for organizing the library by clicking on the Add Group button. Loop library members can be added to custom groups by dragging and dropping. Lastly, right clicking on an existing library member allows you to rename, copy, delete, lock and unlock a loop library member.