Photovoltaic (Simple)
This solar panel library describes a simple model of photovoltaics that may be useful for early phase design analysis. In this model the user has direct access to the efficiency with which surfaces convert incident solar radiation to electricity and need not specify arrays of specific modules. The full geometric model for solar radiation is used, including shading and reflections, to determine the incident solar resource. This model is intended to be useful for design purposes to quickly get an idea of the levels for annual production and peak power. The model can also accept arbitrary conversion efficiencies and does not require actual production units be tested to obtain performance coefficients.

Cell Efficiency
Default Value: 12% [IP] [SI]
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min & Max: N/A
Units: %
This field specifies the efficiency with which solar incident energy is converted to electricity. Efficiency = (electrical power generated [W])/(power of incident solar[W]). The efficiency value is dimensionless and should be between 0 and 100%