Trace 3D Plus
User Guide

Site Humidity Profile

Site Humidity Profile
This report shows the relative humidity bins of each zone for the 8,760 hours analyzed. The Site Humidity Profile report is like the Site Temperature Profile, except relative humidity is reported and not dry bulb. The zones are organized by system and zone group. See Configure Zone Equipment. This arrangement allows the user to pinpoint the systems and zone equipment that are experience high or low humidity levels. 
In the example below, Zone 203 varies between a minimum relative humidity of 3.3 % and a maximum relative humidity of 63.1 % throughout the year, with a mean relative humidity of 32.1 %. Room 203 is less than 30 % relative humidity for 4,103 of the 8,760 hours in the year. Such a result may prompt the user revisiting the load assumptions or consider humidification.