TOPSS Import
When a Trane product has been selected in the Trane Official Product Selection Software (TOPSS) selection program, the performance data can be imported into the TRACE® 3D Plus library to create a custom-made cooling equipment library member. This functionality is available for the following products:
       CenTraVacTM (CTV, CDH, ECTV, ECDH)
       Series STM CenTraVacTM (CVHS)
       Series RTM (RTAC, RTWD)
       StealthTM (RTAE)
The procedure for exporting equipment from TOPSS and importing into TRACE is as follows:
1.      While in the TOPSS selection program, make sure the unit selection is valid. The desired product(s) must be highlighted before they can be exported. Under the File pull-down menu, choose Export product to TRACE Equipment Performance File (can also be done by right clicking on the highlighted equipment). Specify the location and name of the XML file that will be created, then choose Save.
2.      In the TRACE program, navigate to the Libraries section, then choose the Equipment tile. Within the Equipment Library screen, click on the bottom AppBar menu to expand it, then select the TOPSS Import button. Select the location and filename of the XML file that was generated from TOPSS, click on Open.
3.      The equipment contained in the XML file will be displayed in a TRACE import screen. Note that the name of the equipment matches the tag name given to it within the TOPSS program. This name will be used for the new equipment library member and its associated curves. It cannot be edited in TRACE. To rename equipment, change the tag within TOPSS and follow the export and import procedure to add a new piece of equipment to the library. 
4.      In the TRACE import screen, use the corresponding check boxes on the left side of the screen to select the product(s) to be imported. Click on the Import button at the bottom of the window to complete the import.
5.      The imported TOPSS equipment library members are identified with a TOPSS icon. This icon is used in place of the Standard or Custom icon location for other equipment library members as seen in the equipment lists for each drilled down category. Within the TOPSS equipment library member, the Source field will have a TOPSS icon and the Version displayed will be the version of TOPSS that was used to create it.
The TOPSS equipment library members cannot be edited, however, they can be copied and deleted.