Curve tab

Regeneration Dry Bulb Curve
This polynomial curve reflects the regeneration air stream outlet temperature as a function of the entering regeneration and process air stream temperature, humidity ratio and face velocity.
The dry-bulb temperature of the regeneration outlet air is determined using the equation:

RTO = regeneration outlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
RWI= regeneration inlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
RTI = regeneration inlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
PWI = process inlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
PTI = process inlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
RFV = Regeneration (and process) face velocity (m/s)
B1 to B8 = coefficients
The curve has the following fields:
X Axis: Regeneration inlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
Y Axis: Regeneration outlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
Treg,db Min / Max : Minimum and maximum temperature values (°F, °C) for the regeneration inlet air dry bulb temperature
Tproc,db Min / Max: Minimum and maximum temperature values (°F, °C) for the process inlet air dry bulb temperature
Proc. Inlet Air HR Min / Max: Minimum and maximum Humidity Ratio values (kgWater/kgDryAir) for the process inlet air humidity ratio
Reg. Inlet Air HR Min / Max: Minimum and maximum Humidity Ratio values (kgWater/kgDryAir) for the regeneration inlet air humidity ratio
Velocity Min / Max: Minimum and maximum face velocity (m/s)
Regeneration Humidity Ratio Curve
This polynomial curve reflects the regeneration air stream outlet humidity ratio as a function of the entering regeneration and process air stream temperature, humidity ratio and face velocity.
The dry-bulb temperature of the regeneration outlet air is determined using the equation:

RWO = regeneration outlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
RWI= regeneration inlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
RTI = regeneration inlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
PWI = process inlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
PTI = process inlet air dry bulb temperature (°F, °C)
RFV = Regeneration (and process) face velocity (m/s)
C1 to C8 = coefficients
The curve has the following fields:
X Axis: Regeneration inlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
Y Axis: Regeneration outlet air humidity ratio (kgWater/kgDryAir)
Treg,db Min / Max : Minimum and maximum temperature values (°F, °C) for the regeneration inlet air dry bulb temperature
Tproc,db Min / Max: Minimum and maximum temperature values (°F, °C) for the process inlet air dry bulb temperature
Proc. Inlet Air HR Min / Max: Minimum and maximum Humidity Ratio values (lbWater/lbDryAir, kgWater/kgDryAir) for the process inlet air humidity ratio
Reg. Inlet Air HR Min / Max: Minimum and maximum Humidity Ratio values (lbWater/lbDryAir, kgWater/kgDryAir) for the regeneration inlet air humidity ratio
Velocity Min / Max: Minimum and maximum face velocity (ft/min, m/s)