The following engineering sources have been used as reference throughout the document. Please refer to these sites for more information.
Airflow Loads Library
EnergyPlus™ Input Output Reference, Pages 378, 431, and 1250
ASHRAE 62.1 – 2013
California Title 24-2010
Create Zones - Zone Properties
Create Building - Room Properties - Internal Loads
ASHRAE Handbook: 2013 Fundamentals, Chapter 18, F18.4 T1 Representative Rates at which heat and Moisture are Given Off by Human Beings in Different States of Activity.
EnergyPlus Input Output Reference, Pages 305-308, 315-318, and 321-328
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013
Power density for ASHRAE:
a) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.8
b) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.7
CA title 24:
Task lighting: ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 2013 Table 2 and Table 3 on pages 18.5 and 18.6
Configuration: Chantrasrisalai, C., and D.E. Fisher. 2007. Lighting heat gain parameters: Experimental results. HVAC & R Research 13(2):305-324
ASHRAE Fundamentals 2013 page 18.11
Economics - Utilities
Economics - Meters
Economics - Life Cycle Parameters
(EnergyPlus Input Output Reference, page 1700)
Equipment Library
Boilers - Hot Water - Product tab: Energy Plus Input Output Reference
Boilers - Steam - Product tab: Energy Plus Input Output Reference
Generators - Combustion Turbine: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Generators - Internal Combustion Engine: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Generators - Photovoltaic(Equivalent One Diode) - EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Generators - Photovoltaic(Simple) - EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Heating Coils
Heating Coils - Water: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Heating Coils - Steam: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Heating Coils - Electric: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Heating Coils - Multistage Electric: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Heating Coils - Multistage Gas: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Internal Loads - People
* ASHRAE Handbook: 2013 Fundamentals, Chapter 18, F18.4 T1 Representative Rates at which heat and Moisture are Given Off by Human Beings in Different States of Activity
* ASHRAE Std. 62.1-2013
Internal Loads - Lights
*Power density for ASHRAE:
a) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.8
b) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.7
*CA title 24:
*Task lighting: ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 2013 Table 2 and Table 3 on pages 18.5 and 18.6
*Configuration: Chantrasrisalai, C., and D.E. Fisher. 2007. Lighting heat gain parameters: Experimental results. HVAC&R Research 13(2):305-324
Internal Loads - Miscellaneous Loads
* ASHRAE Fundamentals 2013 page 18.11
Loops Library - Loop Types
* EnergyPlus Application Guide for Plant Loops, EnergyPlus Nomenclature Pages 4, 14, 21, 46, and 63
Project Summary
Reports - Energy and Economics - Site Consumption Summary
Templates Library
Airflows, Building Constructions, and Internal Loads
ASHRAE Handbook: 2013 Fundamentals, Chapter 18, F18.4 T1 Representative Rates at which heat and Moisture are Given Off by Human Beings in Different States of Activity
ASHRAE Std. 62.1-2013
Construction and Room Types
EnergyPlus Input Output Reference, Pages 315-318
Power density for ASHRAE:
a) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.8
b) ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Addendum BM, table G3.7
CA title 24:
Task lighting: ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 2013 Table 2 and Table 3 on pages 18.5 and 18.6
Configuration: Chantrasrisalai, C., and D.E. Fisher. 2007. Lighting heat gain parameters: Experimental results. HVAC&R Research 13(2):305-324
Zone Types:
ASHRAE Fundamentals 2013 Page 18.11
Thermal Storage
Detailed Ice Storage: Energy Plus Engineering Reference Manual for version 9.1.0, see section
Themes Library
ASHRAE Handbook: 2013 Fundamentals, Chapter 18, F18.4 T1 Representative Rates at which heat and Moisture are Given Off by Human Beings in Different States of Activity
ASHRAE Std. 62.1-2013
Unitary Cooling and Heat Pumps
Air-to-Air Heat Pump: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Change-Over Bypass Air-Cooled: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Change-Over Bypass Heat Pump: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Split Faced Air-Cooled: EnergyPlus Input Output Reference
Utility Rates Library - General Rate Information
Utility Rates Library - Utility Rate Library Member
Utility Rates Library - Utility Rate Tariff Inputs
Weather Library - Advanced Options
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2013 page 164
ASHRAE HOF 2005, Chapter 31
ASHRAE HOF 2013, Page 14.3
Weather Library - Locations
ASHRAE HOF 2013, Page 14.3
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2013 page 164
Weather Selection in Project
ASHRAE HOF 2013, Page 14.3
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2013 Page 164  
Weather Library - AppBar Menu
California Energy Commission. Building Energy Efficiency Program – Title 24. California Climate Zone map
World Maps of KÖPPEN-GEIGER Climate Classification
Materials - Opaque Materials
EnergyPlus Input Output Reference, Pages 99, 112, 122, 124
Fenestration Constructions
Opaque Constructions
Constructions Library - Fenestration
EnergyPlus Input Output Reference, Pages 124,155, 246, 248
Loops - VRF Loop Types
EnergyPlus Application Guide for Plant Loops, EnergyPlus Nomenclature, Pages  4, 14, 21, 46, and 63