Thermal Storage

Detailed Ice Storage

Default: Autosize
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: -999,999,999,999,999 < X < 999,999,999,999,999
Units: Btu; GJ; J; kBtu; kcal; kJ; kWh; MJ; MMBtu; therms; ton-hr
This is the capacity of the ice tank itself. This is assumed to be only the latent capacity (melting of the ice) of the tank as the program does not model any sensible capacity (change in temperature of the ice or water).
The capacity can be autosized. When it is autosized, it is calculated using the following equation:
Q = V_dot*Cp*rho*DeltaT*t
Q is the tank capacity in Ton Hours
V_dot is the volumetric flow rate of the plant
Cp is the specific heat of the plant fluid (fluid type is defined in the plant loop sizing properties)
Rho is the density of the plant fluid
DeltaT is the loop temperature difference input in the plant loop sizing properties
T is the nominal time to charge the ice tank defined in the plant loop sizing properties
Parasitic Losses
Parasitic Electric Load During Discharging
Default: 0.0001
Typical Range: 0 < X < 1
Min Max: -999,999,999,999,999 < X < 999,999,999,999,999
This accounts for any electric consumers associated with discharging the tank such as a controller for the tank. The value is a direct multiplier to the tank load at a given timestep.
Parasitic Losses During Charging
Default: 0.0002
Typical Range: 0 < X < 1
Min Max: -999,999,999,999,999 < X < 999,999,999,999,999
Units: N/A
This accounts for any electric consumers associated with charging the tank such as a controller for the tank. The value is a direct multiplier to the tank load at a given timestep.
Tank Loss Coefficient
Default: 0.0003
Typical Range: 0 < X < 1
Min Max: -999,999,999,999,999 < X < 999,999,999,999,999
Units: N/A
A portion of the ice in the tank will melt each hour due to imperfect insulation of the tank. This coefficient is a multiplier on the total capacity that is lost each hour. (I’m not sure if this is right, the equation used in Git is:
DetIceStor(IceNum2).IceFracRemaining += DetIceStor(IceNum2).IceFracChange - (DetIceStor(IceNum2).TankLossCoeff * TimeStepSys);
so it appears to be a multiplier on the time step which I believe is in units of time…
Tank Properties
Thaw Process Indicator
Default: Internal Melt
Typical Range: Internal Melt, External Melt
Min Max: N/A
Units: N/A
This field describes how the ice melts in the tank. The two options are Internal Melt and External Melt. The Internal Melt option causes the ice to melt from the surface of the tubes inside the tank first and then out. External Melt causes the ice to melt from the outside of the tank first, moving its way in.
Mixed Chilled Water Storage

Stratified Chilled Water Storage