Utility Rate Billing Cycles
Default: Sample Monthly Billing Cycles
This is the name of the calendar that defines the billing periods of the year. Billing cycle calendars are defined in the Utility Rate Billing Cycles Calendar library. The default billing cycle calendar defines each month as its own billing cycle (e.g. January is defined as the January billing cycle month, February is defined as the February billing cycle month, etc). If other billing periods are used such as two month cycles or a single bill for an entire season, a billing cycle calendar should be created to reflect that.
When applying both a billing cycle and a seasonal calendar to a utility rate, they must be consistent—meaning that the change in billing cycle calendar definitions must occur on the same calendar day as any change in seasonal cycle calendars. A billing cycle calendar is required to accurately perform the economics calculations. For example, a billing cycle calendar cannot be applied where the May billing cycle starts on May 2nd and the summer season defined in the Seasonal Calendar starts on May 1st. Instead, the billing cycle calendar must define May as starting on May 1st to be valid.

See Calendar Graphic