Water (Simple)
The water cooling coil has the ability to give detailed output with simplified inputs, inputting complicated coil geometry is not required by the user for this model instead the coil is sized in terms of auto-sizeable thermodynamic inputs. The coil requires thermodynamic inputs such as temperatures, mass flow rates and humidity ratios which come from the build, system, and location you have entered into your project.
The coil is sized using auto-sized input conditions and the UA values are calculated from the design conditions. A rough estimate of the coil area is provided along with percentage of surface wet and/or dry.
The basic underlying idea is - use auto sizable thermodynamic design inputs, calculate the coil UAs, use these UA values and operating conditions, calculate the outlet stream conditions, and calculate the heat transfer rates.

Heat Exchanger Type
Default: Counterflow
Typical Range: N/A
Min/Max: N/A
Units: N/A
The coil is operable in two modes, Cross Flow for general A/C applications and Counter flow mode. Air-conditioning systems generally use cross flow heat exchangers, hence the default is set to cross flow.
Calculation Mode
Default: Simple Condensation
Typical Range: N/A
Min/Max: N/A
Units: N/A
The coil has two modes of operation, termed as Simple and Detailed. The difference between the two modes being, the simple mode reports the value of surface area fraction wet of the coil as dry or wet. The detailed mode give the exact value, however the execution time in detailed mode is noticeably higher.