Utility Rates Library
The utility rate library is used to define utility rate structures. The rate structures are used to calculate building utility costs for utilities such as electricity and natural gas. The library provides several example rate structures for each utility type. Rate structures can vary from building type or end usage; therefore, if the rate structure needed does not already exist, you can create a new structure or copy an existing utility rate.
Names for user created Utility Rate members cannot include the “&” or “$” or Commas in the name and non-Latin characters including, !"#%^*()-_=+[{]}\|'";:/?.>,<`~, The maximum name length is 65 characters.
To create a new utility rate library member, click on the Add Item button. The easiest way to create a new rate library member is often to take the most similar rate available from the default members and copy it to make an editable member. This copy can be made by right clicking on the default utility rate member.
Custom groupings for organizing the library can be created by clicking on the Add Group button. Utility rate library members can be added to custom groups by dragging and dropping the library member onto the group name.
Lastly, right clicking on an existing library member allows you to rename, copy, delete, lock and unlock a utility rate library member. The standard library members may not be deleted or modified.