The system section allows you the ability to define the airside systems in the project. There are a variety of standard systems available with the program. These can be selected and customized in the Configure Systems and Configure Zone Equipment sections. You can also go to the System Library and create new custom systems.
Configure Systems
The selected system can be modified in the Configure Systems section. You will be able to add components from the Component Selection Bar to the system in the System Diagram section.
The tree structure on the left will display all the systems in the alternative and can be expanded to see all the components in that system. This is also the starting point for adding a DOA to the system. This process begins with hitting the Outside Air Unit button.
The system properties can be seen by hitting the Properties button.
Tree Structure (Configure Systems)
The Systems tree contains information about the systems that have been defined for the project. Each time a system is added to the project, it will be added to the list in the tree. You can view each system diagram by selecting that particular system in the tree.
The tree also lists the various components and controls associated with each system. When a component or control is highlighted in the tree, it will also be highlighted on the diagram.
The system properties can be viewed by clicking the properties button next to the system name. Each system can be copied or deleted using the copy and delete buttons next to the system name.
Outside Air Unit button
The Outside Air Unit button brings up all valid DOA units from the library that can be added to the system. Select a particular DOA to view it in the working pane. Click the Use This DOA button to bring the DOA into the project.
Note: The program will scan the system to determine if coils are already present in the OA path. If there are coils in the OA portion of the air path diagram, a message will appear to inform you of the existing coils and ask you if the existing coils should be deleted in order to add the DOA or if the DOA should not be added. There cannot be two sets of coils in the OA path.
The system folders come from the folders in the System library. There are standard folders that come with the program. You can also add folders by clicking the Add Group button in the System library. All of the systems in each folder can be seen by clicking the dropdown arrow. Selecting a system from the list will show the system diagram in the main working pane.
The Supply Fan is used to represent any type of constant volume fan that moves supply air in the system.
Library Type - Equipment Library - Fans - Constant Volume
Placement Rules: This fan can be placed in either the outside air path or the supply air path depending on system type. When the fan is placed in the outdoor air path, it will move the outdoor air. If the fan is in the supply air path, it will move both the mixed return and outdoor air. There can be a supply fan in both the outdoor air path and the supply air path.
The Supply Fan VFD is used to represent any type of variable volume fan that moves supply air in the system.
Library Type - Equipment Library - Fans - Variable Volume
Placement Rules: This fan can be placed in either the outside air path or the supply air path depending on system type. When the fan is placed in the outdoor air path, it will move the outdoor air. If the fan is placed in the supply air path, it will move both the mixed return and outdoor air. There can be a supply fan VFD in both the outdoor air path and the supply air path.
The Return Fan is used to represent any type of constant volume fan that moves return air from the system.
Library Type - Equipment Library - Fans - Constant Volume
Placement Rules: The Return Fan can be placed in the return air path or the exhaust air path depending on system type. When it is placed in the exhaust air path, it is used to remove air from the system and displace it outside. When the fan is placed in the return air path, it is used to move both the return air that will circulate back into the system as well as the exhaust air that is removed from the system.
The Return Fan VFD is used to represent any type of variable volume fan that moves return air from the system.
Library Type - Equipment Library - Fans - Variable Volume
Placement Rules: The Return Fan VFD can be placed in the return air path or the exhaust air path depending on system type. When it is placed in the exhaust air path, it is used to remove air from the system and displace it outside. When the fan is placed in the return air path, it is used to move both the return air that will circulate back into the system as well as the exhaust air that is removed from the system.
The cooling coil can be a chilled water coil or a DX cooling coil that is used to remove both sensible and latent energy to decrease the temperature and humidity of the supply air before it enters the space.
Library Type - Equipment - Cooling Coils - Water (Simple)
Equipment - Cooling Coils - Water (Detailed)
Equipment - DX Cooling Equipment - DX Cooling Equipment
Placement Rules: The cooling coil may be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The heating coil can be electric, hot water, gas, steam, multistage electric or multistage gas. The heating coil is used to add sensible energy to increase the temperature of the supply air before it enters the space.
Library Type - Equipment - Heating Coil - Electric
Equipment - Heating Coil - Hot Water
Equipment - Heating Coil - Gas
Equipment - Heating Coil - Steam
Equipment - Heating Coil - Multistage Electric
Equipment - Heating Coil - Multistage Gas
Placement Rules: The heating coil may be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The Air to Air Heat Pump represents an air to air heat pump system that would be found in a custom air handler.
Library Type - Equipment - Heat Pumps - Air to Air Heat Pump
Placement Rules: The air to air heat pump can be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The central air to air heat pump represents a unitary packaged air to air heat pump component.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Central Air to Air HP Unit
Placement Rules: The central air to air heat pump can be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The central water source heat pump represents a unitary water source heat pump piece of equipment.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Central WSHP Unit
Placement Rules: The central water source heat pump can be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The Heat Exchanger is used to transfer heat between two different air streams in the system. The supply side will use either the outdoor air or the supply air path. The exhaust side will always use the exhaust air path. Depending on the type of heat exchanger that is used, it can transfer either sensible energy (flat plate or sensible and latent: sensible only), latent energy (sensible and latent: latent only), or sensible and latent (desiccant or sensible and latent).
Library Type - Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Flat Plate
Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Desiccant
Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Sensible and Latent
Placement Rules: The Heat Exchanger can be placed in either the outdoor air path or the supply air path. A heat exchanger can be placed in both the outdoor air and supply air paths simultaneously. When the heat exchanger is placed in either the outdoor air or supply air paths, the exhaust air path will automatically be connected to the other side of the heat exchanger.
Series ERD
This component contains both a cooling coil (either DX or chilled water) and an air to air heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is used to precool the air before it enters the cooling coil and reheat that air after it leaves the cooling coil for dehumidification.
Library Type - Equipment - Cooling Coils - Water (Simple)
Equipment - Cooling Coils - Water (Detailed)
Equipment - DX Cooling Equipment - DX Cooling Equipment
Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Flat Plate
Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Desiccant
Equipment - Heat Exchangers - Sensible and Latent
Placement Rules: This component can be placed in either the outside air or supply air path.
Changeover Bypass VAV
This is a unitary piece of equipment that includes a supply fan, DX cooling coil, heating coil, and an outdoor air mixer. The fan is constant volume but VAV dampers at each zone allow for a variable supply airflow. Any air not delivered to a space is recirculated to the main unit.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Changeover-Bypass VAV
Placement Rules: The VAV (heat cool VAV bypass) can be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
Packaged DX
The Packaged DX component represents a packaged unit that contains a fan, cooling coil, and heating coil. The specific fan, cooling coil, and heating coil library members are designated in the equipment library for the unitary library member. Preheat and reheat coils can be added separately to the system using the appropriate heating coil and terminal device coil respectively.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Packaged Cooling and Heating
Equipment - Packaged DX - Packaged Cooling and Heating (Water)
Placement Rules: The Unitary Heat Cool component can only be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
Packaged Heating Only
The packaged heating only component represents a packaged unit that contains a fan and heating coil. The specific fan and heating coil library members are designated in the equipment library for the unitary library member. Preheat and reheat coils can be added separately to the system using the appropriate heating coil and terminal device coil respectively. This component is only available in the Heating Only system category.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Packaged Heating Only
Placement Rules: The Unitary Heat component can only be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
Packaged Cooling Only
The packaged cooling only component represents a packaged unit that contains a fan and cooling coil. The specific fan and cooling coil library members are designated in the equipment library for the unitary library member. This component is only available in the Cooling Only system category and as such, preheat and reheat coils will not be available to add to the system.
Library Type - Equipment - Packaged DX - Packaged Cooling Only
Equipment - Packaged DX - Packaged Cooling (Water)
Placement Rules: The Unitary Cool component can only be placed in the supply air path. Note, coils may not be placed in the outdoor air path. A separate DOA should be created and assigned to the system at the project level in order to condition outside air separately.
The humidifier heats water using either electricity or gas in order to create steam that is incorporated into the supply air using a fan to increase the humidity of the supply air.
Library Type - Equipment - Humidifiers - Electric Steam Humidifier
Equipment - Humidifiers - Gas Steam Humidifier
Placement Rules: The humidifier can only be added to the supply air path. It can be added either before or after other heating and cooling coils.
Direct Evaporative Cooler
The Direct Evaporative Cooler is used to precool supply air by evaporating water directly in the supply air stream. This decreases the sensible energy of the supply air but increases the latent energy.
Library Type - Equipment - Cooling Coils - Direct Evaporative Cooler
Placement Rules: The direct evaporative cooler can only be placed in the supply air path and can be placed before and after other coils.
Indirect Evaporative Cooler
The Indirect Evaporative Cooler is used to precool air with evaporating water without adding moisture to the air stream. Air is cooled by evaporating water and that air transfers heat with the supply air stream through an air to air heat exchanger. This decreases the sensible energy of the supply air without increasing the latent energy.
Library Type - Equipment - Cooling Coils - Indirect Evaporative Cooler
Placement Rules: The indirect evaporative cooler can only be placed in the supply air path and can be placed before and after other coils.
Component Selection Bar
The component selection bar in the project is very similar to the component selection bar in the library. From the Configure Systems tab, you are able to add components and controls to the existing system configuration. Expand the components category to see all available coils, fans etc. and expand the controls category to see all available temperature and humidity controllers. The available components are filtered based on the system category.
Clicking the Components button will expand the list of available components for the system type being created. Only available components will be populated in the components list. Components include fans, coils, heat pumps, energy recovery, unitary pieces of equipment, humidifiers, and heat exchangers.
In order to apply a specific component to the air path, you should click the component. When the component is selected, the diagram will indicate where the component can be placed with green buttons. If no green buttons appear, the component can’t be placed on the diagram. If a component is not compatible with the current system configuration, it will be greyed out.
Components can be arranged in different configurations to achieve different effects. For example, the supply fan can be placed before the cooling coil to create a blow through configuration or it can be placed after the cooling coil to create a draw through configuration.
Air Loop Controls/Sensors
Air loop controls and sensors must be applied to the system in order to define the location of temperature and humidity sensors and how the system is controlled. The sensor must be placed in the air path and connected to a component or components that will control the temperature or humidity.
For example, in order to control the temperature at the outlet of a draw through fan, the temperature sensor should be placed in the air path after the fan and the controller should be connected to both the cooling coil and the heating coil.
Temperature Sensor
A temperature controller is required. The temperature sensor is placed on the diagram to measure the temperature at that point in the air path. This controller should be connected to the OA control as well as each of the coils. Some system configurations will require multiple temperature controllers. For example, the dual duct system will require a separate temperature for the cooling coil on the cold deck and heating coil on the hot deck. Different control strategies can be used to maintain the temperature at the desired values. See the properties for more details.
Humidity Sensor
A humidity controller is optional. The humidity sensor is placed on the diagram to measure the humidity at that point in the air path. Different control strategies can be used to maintain the humidity at the desired values. See the properties for more details.
System Diagram
The diagram is the main working pane of the systems library. The diagram contains the air path and images of all of the components, terminal device, zone equipment, and controls that are used in the system.
When creating a system, it is good to remember that the system will be applied to all the zones, so making a system that is the lowest common denominator will allow for further customizing in the Zone equipment section in the project. This will allow different terminal devices or zone equipment to be used in specific zones instead of all of the zones on the system.
Air Path
The air path indicates the flow of air from component to component. The air path shows the direction of the air and how the air path combines and separates. Whenever a component is added to the airpath, a button will indicate where on the air path that component can be placed.
The zone represents the space that will be conditioned by the system. Zone level equipment will be placed in the zone on the diagram.
Controller connection lines
The controllers need to be connected to the components that they will control. These connections will be displayed as connection lines on the diagram. The temperature controller needs to be connected to both the outdoor air controller and the coils in the air path. If there is a humidity controller it should be connected to the components as well. Components that can be controlled by multiple controllers will have multiple ports where the controller can be connected.
Louvers and Dampers
Louvers and dampers represent points where the flow can be decreased or shut off completely. These come with the system diagram and may not be moved or removed.
Assign Zones
In order to size the components of the system (coils, fans, etc.), the program needs to know what rooms are served by each system. Rooms were already zoned together in the building section of the program. Now those zones are assigned to systems. The Assign Zones screen is comprised of two windows. The tree structure and zone assignments pane, and the system diagram. Zones can be assigned to systems by opening the zone manager, highlighting a system in the tree, and clicking the plus sign next to rooms in the assignment manager that should be assigned to that system. Additionally, zones can be assigned by highlighting a system in the tree and clicking the plus button on the rooms in the system diagram.
Tree Structure
The tree structure in the zone assignments tab lists all of the systems that have been created in the project. By default, no zones are assigned to any system. The Zone Manager button brings up a list of the zones that have not been assigned. As zones are assigned to systems, they will appear under their system in the tree.
Zone Group
Similar zones are automatically organized into zone groups to simplify changes and zone assignments. Zones in the same zone group have the same system, terminal devices, components, and zone equipment.
Zone groups are automatically generated by the program. If a zone is assigned to a different system, given a different terminal device, etc. it is removed from the zone group. If a zone is changed to be identical to other zones in a different zone group, it will be added to that zone group.
Each zone in the project is listed in the tree. Zones that have been assigned to systems will be listed under that system and unassigned zones will be listed under the unassigned zones section.
Assign zones working section
Each of the unassigned zones will appear with a plus sign next to it. Unassigned zones and zones assigned to systems other than the currently highlighted system will appear in this section. To assign a zone to a system, highlight the system in the tree and select the plus button next to the zone. Zones that are assigned to other systems can be assigned to the currently highlighted system by selecting the plus sign next to the zone.
Zones can be unassigned from systems in the tree by selecting the minus sign next to the zone name in the tree.
Zone Manager button
The zone manager button opens the zone assignments pane. Here, unassigned zones can be assigned to the highlighted system by clicking the plus button next to the zone.
Zones that are already assigned to another zone can be reassigned to the highlighted system by clicking the plus button next to the zone.
Clear All Zoning button
The clear all zoning button removes all zones from all systems.
Auto Assign button
The auto assign button will be available only when there is one system in the project. When there is only one system in the project, all zones will need to be assigned to that system. Instead of assigning each zone one at a time, the Auto Assign button can be used to automatically assign all zones to the system with just one click.
System Diagram
The diagram on the Assign Zones tab shows all of the rooms in the building. You can change to different floors using the level indicator button. Zones can be assigned to systems in the diagram by highlighting the system in the tree and clicking the plus sign on the zone in the diagram.
All the zones are highlighted in the diagram according to which zone they are assigned to.
Level Indicator
This allows you the ability to move between floors to view the zone assignments on those floors.
Configure Zone Equipment
The Zone Equipment section allows for the system to be customized. In this section different pieces of zone level equipment can be added to zones to more properly mimic the actual system. Zone equipment can be changed for an entire zone group at once to make changes more efficient. Replacing, adding, or removing zone equipment from an individual zone will remove it from its current zone group.
The Tree will keep track of all the zone groups that are created. The System diagram can also be controlled to give a better view of any part of the building. The System Diagram tools will allow you to Zoom in Zoom out, switch floors, rotate and more.
Tree Structure
The tree in the zone equipment tab will show everything that has been assigned to each system including components, controls, terminal devices, and zone level equipment. It will also show the zone group organization.
Zone Group
Similar zones are automatically organized into zone groups to simplify changes and zone assignments. Zones in the same zone group have the same system, terminal devices, thermostat settings, components, and zone equipment.
Zone groups are automatically generated by the program. If a zone is assigned to a different system, given a different terminal device, etc. it is removed from the zone group. If a zone is changed to be identical to other zones in a different zone group, it will be added to that zone group.
Component Selection Bar (Zone Equipment)
The component selection bar on the Zone Equipment tab will display the terminal devices and the zone level equipment that are available for that particular system type. In the library, the system will be created with only one type of terminal device and the same zone level equipment applied to each zone on the system. Here in the project on the Zone Equipment tab, terminal devices and zone level equipment can be added and deleted on a zone by zone basis to allow different zones on the same system to have different terminal devices and zone level equipment.
System Diagram
When a terminal device or zone equipment is selected from the component selection bar, the diagram will indicate where the component can be placed. You can then select the location on the diagram and the equipment is placed there and appears on the diagram. Items can also be deleted from the diagram.